Celebrating the archives

It’s Our History! – Celebrating the Archives
November 19, 5-8 pm
Club de Golf Hemmingford
Master of Ceremonies Gérard Laberge
spaghetti supper, speakers, history exhibits 50/50 draw – silent auction
live music by chanteuse Manon Décosse
admission $15 per person, age 6 & under free tickets
for more information call 514-778-2845 or 514-913-0672 email: hfordarchives@gmail.com

Over the last 25 years, thousands of historical items from Hemmingford and region were donated by local residents to be preserved as part of their legacy for the community. The Archives has depended completely on the hard work of community volunteers who have formed an incorporated company with a Board of Directors, have gained official charitable status, and have developed skills in Archival tasks. This year a vision of having a permanent home for the Archives was realized when the St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Congregation donated the church hall. Excitement has mounted since as plans for the renovation are evolving, and the vision is coming closer to reality. Government grants have been applied for and are pending which will cover the structural changes to the hall. Additional funds to make the new Archives fully functional and equipped must come from our own efforts and community involvement. Why care about all of this? Because it is our history! It belongs to us. You are invited to join us in the excitement of something new for Hemmingford where our truly remarkable history can inspire arts, business opportunities, and much more – limited only by our imagination! We are looking forward to seeing you on November 19!  (October 2016)