Help discover and preserve Hemmingford’s history

Heritage Hemmingford  (December 2012)

Since saving the Vieux Couvent in 1978, Heritage Hemmingford Inc. has been working to preserve our local Heritage. Projects like Hallerton School, organizing a series of lectures relating to the preservation of historic houses and assisting with the Keddy Museum have occupied the volunteers over the years.

In recent years a guide to old homes and rural buildings was published. This past summer we purchased Heritage Signs from the Fortin Collection and have given the stewardship of these Heritage Signs to Hemmingford Archives, who have the signs on display in the Archives Room, located at the Hemmingford Elementary School.

The preservation of the Orange Lodge Building & local Heritage Cemeteries has been attempted. These projects seek new direction, with the need to reconnect them to our community. This could be your opportunity to join your fellow citizens with valuable Heritage projects.

Historic preservation can provide an avenue to enrich our lives by stimulating the local economy. It can create jobs. It could revitalize the village’s business area. It could stimulate individual businesses, and ultimately, make Hemmingford a more vibrant community.

Heritage Hemmingford is looking for volunteers who are interested in assisting with the preservation of Hemming- ford’s Heritage. Please join us in discovering the past and shaping the future of your community. This meeting will determine the future of this organization.

Heritage Hemmingford invites you to our annual meeting at the Hemmingford Recreation Centre on Saturday January 12, 2013 at 10 a.m.