
The greatest asset of Info Hemmingford is the involvement of its volunteers.

As volunteer work in moderation gives a lot of satisfaction to those who are involved, Info Hemmingford suggests that you might be willing to share with your fellow citizens your knowledge, experience and interests.

You will need:

  • Free time available (an average of one or two hours per month)
  • Reliability
  • Work independently respecting deadlines
  • Possess a computer and internet connection

In addition, as Info Hemmingford is a non-profit organisation and is democratically managed, regular members can present their candidature for a position as director at the next annual general meeting.

If you would like to collaborate in the production of the Community Bulletin, please let us know by completing the form below.

  • I am interested in being part of the Hemmingford Info Community bulletin Volunteer Team:

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.