La Ferme des Quatre-Temps
La Ferme des Quatre-Temps is a small-scale, sustainable farm situation on chemin Williams in Hemmingford. Occupying 167 acres of land, the farm is developed and designed to accommodate a variety of agricultural activities practiced in an ecological way: there are 7 acres of diversified vegetable production, operated under a bio-intensive model; 3 acres of orchards and an onsite culinary laboratory for high quality food processing.
60 acres are devoted to grazing animals: pigs are forest pastured, while cattle, chickens and laying hens roam free in green meadows. The farm was designed based on the principles of Permaculture: ponds, flowered rows and diversified hedges were built to promote biodiversity.
The work at the farm of Quatre-Temps is characterized by a preference for non-mechanized agricultural systems. Technologies and tools used are suitable for bio-intensive agriculture produced on small surfaces, taking into consideration our northern climate. The mission of the farm is to demonstrate how small diversified farms, using economically efficient and regenerative farming practices, can produce high quality food while being profitable. La Ferme des Quatre-Temps seeks to renew our food systems and serve as an example for those looking to make a living from ecological agriculture in a small area. The farm also has an educational purpose, since employees are trained for two seasons in order to then start their own farm.
La ferme des quatres-temps provides some of the most renowned restaurants in Montreal and 4 weekly markets on Thursday at Olives en Folies, Saturday at Boucherie Viau, and the Jean-Talon Market and Marché des Eclusiers in Montreal.
LA FERME DES QUATRES-TEMPS – 740 chemin Williams, Hemmingford –