Summer’s here at last, but…

by Benoit Bleau (translation : Catherine Stratford)  (August 2016)

env aug 2016 2What a beautiful summer! A nice hot summer, but we could do with a little more rain. I guess we can never be content! I just heard on the radio, that 2014 had beaten all records for heat, then 2015 beat the previous year’s records and it looks like 2016 will once again be a record-breaker! According to the American Ocean and Atmospheric Agency, the thermometer has indicated unprecedented temperatures during the first six months of the year.

These climate changes are undeniable and they provoke rising water levels in oceans, there has been an increase of 7 cm since 1993, according to this agency. They predict a possible increase of one metre within the next 100-200 years.

What does this change for us at home? We can always joke that soon we will be able to grow our own oranges. Would it really be an improvement in our current lifestyle? Of course not!

env aug 2016 1They say that what you can’t see won’t hurt you, and that some peoples’ misery makes other peoples’ happiness. I hope that this is not the case for me, because I like to think I am connected to others on this planet. We need them and I hope that I can somehow be of use to them.

Enough philosophy for now, it is the time of summer’s natural bounty. Time to set away fresh herbs, fruit, vegetables and meat in the freezer, to make jams and pickles. Soon the markets will be flooded with fresh local produce. Take advantage of these fine products and encourage our local farmers, while also helping the environment. This produce is fresher and has traveled less, so enjoy this local food and process it for use during the winter months.

Summer is also a great time for family reunions and friendly get-togethers, that strengthen our networks and help us connect to others. Remember the environment, try to leave every meeting place cleaner than when you arrived (it is easy to do!) Enjoy the end of summer and returning to school or work, and take care!