The flu season is upon us!
submitted by The Health Coop Hemmingford & region (October 2016)
The flu season is upon us! Like every year, the flu season approaches and it tends to be worse than in previous years. It is normally present from November to May, particularly from January to March. The vaccine protects you against 2-3 types of flu viruses, the ones that are most likely to be present during the winter.
The best way to protect yourself is by vaccination. It is also very important to wash your hands with soap and water regularly, coughing into your elbow and stay well hydrated. The influenza virus can survive up to 5 minutes on the skin and up to 2 days on surfaces such as handles and countertops. It is important to frequently wash your hands and clean commonly used items.
If you think you have the flu, you will feel like you have been hit by a truck, or tractor depending on your experience! You’ll be feverish (> 38,5 deg.C), have chills, cough, sore throat, muscle and / or joint pain, extreme fatigue (unable to work) and even headaches.
The flu is a virus. If you treat your flu with antibiotics it will last 7 days, if you do not take any antibiotic, it will last 1 week! The best cure is still rest and water. You can control the symptoms of influenza with acetaminophen and / or ibuprofen, ask your favorite pharmacist about dosage and whether these drugs are right for you. The cough may persist for up to 2 weeks after the onset of symptoms, but if you feel something is wrong, do not hesitate to make an appointment with the nurse at the Health Coop.
News from the Coop
We have 3 new professionals at the Coop: Cynthia Leduc (nutritionist-dietitian), Rachel Lavallée (nurse specializing in foot care) and Pure Bien-Être (Marguerite Rouleau, licensed massage therapist). Dr Hakim Jayid will also be present one day per week (variable) for walk-ins. Check with the Coop for his schedule and / or follow us on our Facebook page and website.