Wild Life – Prevention vs Control
by Ginette Bars (August 2010 edition)
Living in harmony with the wild animals in our environment sometimes proves to be challenging. The preservation of species existing in the Hemmingford area and the management of conflicts is the responsibility of one and all.
Some examples of situations which we encounter are : Bats and squirrels in lofts, racoons tearing open garbage bags, coyotes attacking herds, foxes or weasels invading farmyards, skunks spraying dogs, beavers causing flooding, and many others.
However, each of these animals plays a beneficial role in nature. Occasionally in attempting to solve one problem, man causes other problems which are not necessarily less destructive. By taking certain preventive steps, it is sometimes possible to avoid having to use drastic measures.
- Place garbage in cans which are strong and difficult to open.
- Seal all cracks and gaps in buildings to prevent ac- cess by unwelcome visitors.
- Never leave food intended for domestic animals outside in the open.
- Install gates at field entrances.
- Erect fencing around trees.
- Lamas, donkeys and dogs make excellent guards.
- Bring farm animals into buildings at night.
- Install a flashing light on the outside of a loft to deter bats.